Especially for PS4, the update provides a bug fix for menus that sometimes do not work properly if the input and back buttons are swapped. Especially on the PC you get a "Field of View Type" option with which you can choose between horizontal and vertical Field of View. The list of changes and new features is quite extensive: The developers of Experiment 101 are playing many more bug fixes and optimizations with the update. The patch was rolled out for PC and PlayStation 4 shortly before the weekend, at this point we want to submit the details of the patch notes. Improved aiming for Jumbo Puff when throwing rocks.BiomutantBiomutant players will have access to Update 1.5.
Fixed issue where Airstrike would cause enemies to be launched very far.Adjusted sound and rumble effect for successful parry to improve feedback.
Fixed issue where the player would sometimes get stuck inside an enemy after Airstrike.Fixed issue where the player would sometimes get stuck inside an enemy after a vault or legside move.Added ability to slide underneath legs of titans.Fixed issue where the player would sometimes become stuck underneath larger enemies after being knocked to the ground.
Adjusted animations for unarmed and glove attacks to be faster. Fixed backwards attack for crush weapons resulting in a miss most of the time. Fixed issue where the melee gap closer would sometimes overshoot. Adjusted the range for melee attacks to improve enemy tracking and reduce misses. Fixed issue with Airstrike sometimes being cancelled. Fixed issue with dodge shooting while reloading not moving the character correctly. Adjusted hit reactions for Morks to make melee more viable and satisfying to use. Fixed larger enemies with melee weapons animating too quickly at slow walking speeds. Fixed issue with Pichu Nanchuk not stopping its animation. Fixed sometimes spawning double death particle effects on defeated enemies. First, three hits will no longer overshoot targets and dodge attack is more reliable. Fixed issues with tracking on Jagni Staff attacks. All Tribe Sifus and Lupa Lupin in the final encounter now react stronger to being parried, allowing players to parry and then counterattack. Parry window is now more consistent and enemies can be staggered out of it. Fixed kick attack from smaller enemies being too difficult to parry. It is now a bit easier to dodge them in time. Fixed a few cases where air striking would not complete its last attack. Disabled camera look-at when striking characters up in the air. Adjusted valid angles for combat targets to reduce camera movement in combat. Disabled end-of-combat slow-motion camera for short combat scenarios. Reduced Dead-Eye Sharpshooter perks damage multiplier from 2.0 to 1.25 to ensure that it is comparable to other perks.
Fixed ability damage not being able to inflict critical hits. Fixed issue with abnormally high damage output due to consumable top mod applying meta damage multiple times during equipping and unequip. Overall a great patch that should greatly increase the quality of the game, and the developer promise that's just the beginning. The update also brings improvement for the Tutorial Area, New Game+, numerous fixes to combat, dialogue improvements, and a myriad of bug fixes. Read more: Biomutant: How to get the Mekton robot. There's also a 5% base damage reduction for ranged weapons, as well as a 5% increase for the melee weapons, in an effort to make these styles more closer to each other in terms of balance. Biomutant 1.4 patch brings a long list of improvements and fixes across the board, tackling almost all aspects of the game, from items and combat changes to visual and audio improvements, as well as fixing numerous bugs and crashing issues.Ī number of players felt like the game was a bit too easy even on the hardest difficulty settings, and that's why the update introduces the "Extreme" difficulty setting, with enemy damage and attack rate being is further increased.Īdditionally, the update brings several changes to items, mostly focusing on drop rates as well as fixing issues with resistance stats, which were not applying properly in some cases.